Serious blood disease and cancers can bring an untold emotional challenge to many individuals, family and friends.
The emotional burden on a personal level, accompanied by the fear of the diagnosis is exemplified by different degrees of anxiety
and apprehension. These negative feelings can lead to depression, poor response to treatment and can undermine your quality of life.
We at the Bethel Blood and Cancer Center recognize that about 75% of American profess to some spirituality in their lives.
For many cancer patients, spirituality becomes a very important component through their cancer journey.
The Bethel Blood and Cancer Center is one of the few cancer centers in the country that believes that the advances in medical sciences and the latest groundbreaking results in molecular biology and immunology can be used in conjunction with your spirituality to help cure cancer and to make it a chronic disease.
can help you in all these areas
To bring hope and peace to you and improve your faith
To elevate your emotional well-being to fight cancer and reconfirm or reestablish your bond with your family
To restore, rejuvenate and repair your spiritual awareness to improve your quality of life
Help you cope with your diagnosis, treatment and complications
We believe SPIRITUALITY can help you…
Help you understand the purpose of your life and allow you to experience unique self-satisfaction and pride in your achievements in life
To release your body, mind and soul from depression, fear, anger guilt and anxiety
To re-ignite an inner power of strength and give you the ability to cope with serious illnesses and prevail
To increase and optimize your ability to enjoy life during and after cancer chemotherapy
To help communicate the important message of love, friendship and hope to your family and friends
To help you respond to treatment better and live longer
To relieve pain and suffering
To prepare you if need be to meet your Creator, or to come to the end of your life through hospice care in a dignified way
We at the Bethel Blood and Cancer Center are dedicated to addressing your spiritual needs by treating you as a whole being in your journey
of cancer therapy while in our center.
Our staff are courteous, compassionate and caring and we offer ourselves to you with a dedicated service which is unique because
We implement the latest intelligence in diagnosis and treatment using recognized guidelines
We have reasonable waiting times
Our staff are friendly and personal
We believe in spirituality as part of cancer care